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Reducing Carbon Emissions: How To Conduct Scope 3 GHG Reporting

Disclaimer: This post may include affiliate links where I earn a small commission for referring you to their services. But don't worry, any companies I partner with I have vetted and/or used myself. And if I didn't use them myself, I should have because they would have made my travels a whole lot easier.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reporting is a vital step in identifying and reducing our carbon emissions to limit the rise of global warming. The emissions directly released by our business activities can have a large impact on the planet, but they are likely small compared to that of the entire supply chain. Scope 3 GHG reporting takes into account the supply chain emissions to identify and reduce carbon ‘hot spots’.

One of the challenges businesses face when undertaking Scope 3 GHG reporting is the enormity of the operation and difficulty in obtaining data from all links in the supply chain. Knowing which emissions to report, what part of the product life cycles to include, and where to gather data from is a complicated task.

The Purpose of Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Reporting

The full whitepaper can be found on my client’s website at:


Photo by Loïc Manegarium from Pexels

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