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Net Zero Water Buildings: The Foundation of a Sustainable Business

Disclaimer: This post may include affiliate links where I earn a small commission for referring you to their services. But don't worry, any companies I partner with I have vetted and/or used myself. And if I didn't use them myself, I should have because they would have made my travels a whole lot easier.

By now, most of us are familiar with net zero GHG emissions. It’s not a zero-emission strategy, but rather a method of capturing and offsetting emissions to remove more GHGs from the atmosphere than we contribute. It’s one of the principal elements of reducing the effects of climate change and global warming.

The same principle can be applied to water usage. Water shortages are occurring more frequently and the need to preserve water sources is becoming more urgent. Businesses are recognizing the need to be conscientious of their water use and the net zero water building premise is gaining traction.

Find the full article here:


Photo by Luis Quintero from Pexels

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