If you ask me, I think they got the names wrong when they founded Buenos Aires and Tigre (tee-gray). Buenos Aires is loud, unpredictable, and even sometimes dangerous (like a tiger), and Tigre is a...

I fell in love with travelling on a backpacking trip to Australia in 2014. What was meant to be a one-off trip abroad turned my life right-side up and opened my eyes to an immense world of possibilities beyond a Monday to Friday 9-5.
Since that trip, my life has revolved around travel. I went back to school and received a degree in International Development and a Teaching English as a Foreign Language certificate. After graduation, I set off again in 2019 and aside from a couple stopovers in Winnipeg cued by pandemic restrictions, I’ve been on the road ever since.
Aside from travel, my passions in life include sport, sharing laughs with friends old and new, and trying to understand the world. I’ve always loved geography, and travelling has taught me invaluable lessons about humanity and the way we live.
My immediate goals for this website are to improve and practice my writing skills, have a medium where I can direct potential clients, and give you a trusted, entertaining voice on travel and current events. I hope my writing and this website can provide you with amusement and value. At the very least, have a laugh at my expense while you’re here.
I’m Andrew from Winnipeg, nice to meet you.
If you ask me, I think they got the names wrong when they founded Buenos Aires and Tigre (tee-gray). Buenos Aires is loud, unpredictable, and even sometimes dangerous (like a tiger), and Tigre is a...
Traducido por Isvely Salazar Click here for the English version. El tren maya es un nuevo sistema de transporte en México que abarca Yucatán por completo y algunos lugares en Palenque y Chiapas. Para...
Click here for the English version. Traducido por Isvely Salazar Si acabas de aterrizar en el aeropuerto de Cancún y necesitas trasladarte entre terminales, prepárate para estar rodeado de taxistas...
20 de abril del 2024 Click here for the English version. Traducido por Isvely Salazar Te garantizo que esta es la mejor forma de llegar a Nicaragua desde El Salvador. Me decidí por esta opción...
Let’s get right into it. Can you get to Chichen Itza without an organized tour? Yes. Is it easy? Yes. Pretty much anywhere in the Yucatan you can take a bus to Chichen Itza. The major bus line is ADO...
If you are landing in Cancun Airport and need to transfer terminals, get prepared to be surrounded by taxi drivers that want you to help you get there. They are generally friendly, but they have no...
The Maya Train, or Tren Maya, is a brand new mode of transportation in Mexico that covers pretty much the entire Yucatan Peninsula and even stretches to Palenque in Chiapas. For those that aren’t...
When putting together a South America travel itinerary, you have to consider exactly what you are looking for because there are so many different sides to this surprisingly diverse continent. Before...
It was a normal bus ride until we started approaching Panama City. If you’ve been in Central America for a while, heading south through the likes of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and...
It’s my 3rd or 4th time in Guadalajara, I’m not sure. But my first time being back after the whole Enrique fiasco that ended about a year and a half ago (you’ll hear a touch about my nightmarish ex...
They are two unique locations that you almost have to see to believe, but man oh man are they a pain in the ass to get to. I wish I had known this before strolling on a solo adventure through the...
When I arrived in Pisac I was captivated by its charm. After a few nights though, I couldn’t leave fast enough. It’s a beautiful town with colourful, rustic alleyways and cute boutique cafes. It’s...
The Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu is going to take your breath away for three reasons: the views, the difficulty, and the altitude. The views on the trek, especially from Salkantay Pass and Humantay...
(Click here for the article in English) Traducido por Diego Fleita Salento es uno de los lugares más hermosos que vi en toda Colombia. Tal vez estés pensando como yo y diciendo bah, palmeras altas...